Sunday, March 6, 2011

GDC Poster: How to Build a Game Studio

Thank you once again to all who attended my talk this last week.  Over the next week I will be posting a lot more information to address some of the specific issues and questions that were raised during the talk.  Please stay tuned as I will be continuing this line of research, collaborating with others I met during GDC, and posting more updated information over time.

Also, if you have any other specific questions that I was unable or didn't have time to answer, please send them to me directly ( and I will respond to them on this site.

Thank you all again!  Below you will find the original poster from my session.  (Please note that the images depicted on the poster are not projects of mine, but are excellent illustrations of the principles outlined in the model.  See each image for its source.)
GDC:11 Poster Session - How to Build a Game Studio

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