Wednesday, March 2, 2011

GDC 2011 Content

If you have come to this site because you attended my poster session entitled How to Build a Game Studio, first of all, THANK YOU for attending my talk!  I hope that you were able to take something valuable away from it and I encourage you to share your feedback on this site, whether positive, negative or constructive.  

If you are looking for the content I promised will be on the site - I will be uploading the referenced tools, checklists and images from my talk after the conference is over.  I wanted to do this in order to integrate feedback from the talk into the content I am providing on this site.  It is my hope that in this way it will be more interactive in nature and hopefully help to tailor the information more specifically to your needs.

Once again, please, please do not hesitate to provide your feedback!  I would sincerely appreciate it!

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